Thursday, November 19, 2009

My ninth date

You know when they ask the question "how is it that you are 36 years old, very successful but not yet married?" Well, I met the answer tonight for coffee. I arrived a few minutes early to Starbucks(very unusual thing for me) and sat and waited at a table for him to show. A guy passed by the window, heading for the door, and I think I actually said out loud "oh g-d please do not let that be him!" It was him. He looked NOTING like his picture which already wasn't that great to begin with. He awkwardly leaned in for a hug hello. I'm not sure if he could read the disappointment on my face. The picture he put was for sure from 10 years ago, cause now he has grey hair which is thinning out and turning into a huge bald spot like my grandpa's! I ordered a different drink then usual but asked for non fat milk and no whip. He then copied my drink order but said that he wanted it the regular way it came and smirked at me. We sat down and he began to talk all about himself and his achievements and his business. He then proudly told me that he employs people from third world countries and pays them the equivalent of about 70 bucks a week. He told me that is more then they would make at any other job over there so that he is actually doing a very nice thing for them. I said "oh cool". I said that about 50 more times throughout the night. He told me all about his sisters. All unmarried (just like him). If I didn't know that he was talking about his sister I would have assumed it was his lover or girlfriend, kinda creeped me out a bit. Then out of the blue a guy comes over to the table and says hi to him and turns to me to tell me how awesome he is and what great financial advice he gave him just last week. I swear I think he payed one of his friends to accidentally bump into us and "big him up". Tres weird!! Then he told me about all the properties he owns. He told me that he is one of the only people he knows that can just take off from work with out any notice cause hes the boss of his own company. "Oh cool". About a half hour into the date I started to get really fidgety and bored. I was looking around and not paying attention to the nonsense that he was spewing out of his mouth. I wanted to leave. I started to fake yawn and told him that I am sooo tired from working all evening. He said "tired? but we've only been here for half an hour!" Then thank goodness, my trusty Starbucks employee came over to the table to let us know that they sould be closing in 10 minutes! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I could not be happier to get that news! We ended by walking outside and him saying that he had a wonderful time and that it was too bad that we had to end so early, he then leaned in for another awkward hug and I jetted into my car. I thought he was following me for a few blocks but then he turned somewhere and I raced home! The worst part was that my hair looked so good today and it was wasted on this gaydate. I have another one set up for tomorrow night and I am actually kind of excited about it. It can't be worse then todays after all!


  1. hey, I really love reading this blog, and hearing about your process as you figure stuff out, and I like your voice, as you tell us about douches like this.

    But kinda weak on calling your bad a "gaydate". no reason to use gay as an insult, it advances homophobia (tho I'm sure you didn't mean it that way on purpose), and makes the writing sound more juvenile than it really is.

    Other than that, I look forward to the next post, Good luck on date # 10 :)

  2. Oh noes! You should never say that it can't be worse - because that pretty much ensures that it will be! I hope not though. I have enjoyed following your blog and reading about your 'adventures'. Good luck in everything!

  3. I'm with DoGooderLawyer. Please don't use gay as an insult.

  4. Hey! Thanks so much for following my blog! I really considered what you two said so I took a poll last night with my four gay friends and they said thats its totally cool if I keep gaydate (a play on words from jdate) on the blog! I do not mean it in an offensive way at ALL! So I hope you can understand that and please keep reading!

  5. absolutely, it's a good blog, and I truly hope that you find happiness, or what you're looking for. and I'm really happy you considered what we said and that, as I suspected, you didn't mean it to be offensive.

    But, again, I have to disagree. Just because your specific four gay friends think it's cool, doesn't mean that using gay as a play on words to mean bad doesn't actually advance homophobia. It does. Even with their permission, it's still saying that gay equals bad, and language has power, so i really hope you won't use it anymore.

    Good luck!

  6. Saying "my 4 gay friends say it is ok" is like saying "I'm not racist; I have 4 black friends!" As DoGooderLawyer said, you used it in a context that implies that it was bad, connotated specifically by the word "Gay." That's closed-minded and advances homophobia. With taht mindset and your otherwise condescending and shallow approach to people, I'm surprised you keep getting dates to advance this blog.

  7. agreed about the regrettable use of "gaydate." as jews, we should all be sensitive to issues of discrimination, especially against minorities.

    really, it's the same as saying "he really kiked me on that deal." not okay.
