Monday, October 26, 2009

My Fifth Date.

This date was a little bit different than all the ones I have previously been on. We met for bubbly tea. He seemed really nice and was pretty good looking. We started chatting and it got off to a good start. We talked about all kinds of interesting stuff and he seemed very intelligent and easy to talk to. He told me he was still a student and was going to be doing something in finances as soon as he graduates. I told him that I am an addiction counselor and that I work with teens and young adults who have problems with drugs and alcohol. He told me that he found that fascinating and thought that more people in the world should be doing the kind of work that I do and helping kids in need. He then proceeded to tell me that he smokes a bit too much weed. He asked me for some suggestions. We ended up spending 3 hours in a therapy session discussing his drug use. He said that he really enjoyed hearing my perspective on drugs and my suggestions. We had a great time. He told me that since I destroyed his entire perception of reality that he was not paying for my bubble tea. So I took care of the bill. He said that he would like to see me again, not as a patient but on a date. I told him that all though he is a very nice guy, it would be very unethical to date him again. I have a history of being attracted to guys that need "fixing" and have been working very hard to break that cycle in my life. So unfortunately I had to turn him down and lets see what date number 6 has to offer....


  1. How do I get my Jewish friend on your list?

  2. Do you mean for a date?? He can email me!

  3. Good for you for being aware of your pattern of dating guys who need "fixing" AND being brave enough to break it. I wish you all the best in your search! :)
