Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Nineteenth Date

I started talking to him on the phone the day that my ex and I decided to stop talking. We seemed to have much in common, both recently out of a relationship with a non-Jew and both ended for that reason. We seemed to really click over the phone. I enjoyed talking to him and he was very intelligent. He had a bit of an interesting family dynamic which meant that he was not perfect and to be honest that was a relief. I had been talking to him on the phone for a few days (I decided that this helps make the first date less awkward). Before we had a chance to go out on a date, we actually bumped into each other at a party that was hosted by Jewish promoters. I recognized him and said hi. I was a bit disappointed. I was in very high heels which made him seem shorter then he admitted to and he wasn't the best looking guy in the world. The truth is that he was supposed to be date number 18 but in the meantime I had started talking to Player and was less eager to meet him. After I realized Player was too good to be true, I gave myself a little lecture. This guy was everything that Player claimed to be except that he was real and honest and genuine. He may not be as good looking but perhaps that would turn out to be the best thing about him! I was so mad at myself for being so superficial and not giving him a fair chance. He called me or text messaged me everyday and we continued to talk. I was really enjoying our conversations. We decided to meet for lunch. I drove to the area that he worked in and we went out for lunch together. We discovered that we both LOVE this particular restaurant and we both order the same thing (except he gets chicken and I get veal). We both order extra sauce on the sandwich and extra sauce on the side! Since it was lunch time and we were both not that hungry we decided to share a chicken sandwich. Yes, I compromised and tried his favorite and actually loved it! Lunch was short but fun. We continued to talk on the phone and met a second time for coffee before he had to leave for Israel. Another very ironic thing since I was wanting to go there. On our second date, he surprised me with a book. We had been chatting about the ship Exodus (a very famous ship that my grandmother was on after the Holocaust) and he bought me a book about it. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I hate reading history books and besides I thought that it was so thoughtful of him! Although I don't have that insane chemistry with him, I like him a bit more each time we talk and each time I see him. He left for Israel and will be gone for about 2 weeks but hopefully we will stay in touch via email. In the meantime I will still be open to dating others as I have far from decided how I feel about him. But I am really glad that I didn't go with my first instinct and that I gave him another chance.

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